All-On-4 Dental Implants

Our dental team uses leading dental procedures to treat our patients’ problems. A common issue for patients both old and young are missing or removed teeth. The All-on-4® method can successfully reconstruct extensive dental injury and decay. When it comes to major restoration, these implant-supported dentures can provide a permanent solution to missing or broadly damaged teeth. Like traditional dentures, All-on-4 can restore the function and appearance of teeth removed by accident or dentists’ intervention. Unlike removable dentures, implant-supported dentures are a fixed appliance, providing a permanent, stable solution for our patients.

There are many advantages to All-on-4 treatments, including:

  • No bone grafting. Our dentists will use available bone to secure your implants.
  • Full restoration with minimal implants. Only four implants are used to secure the restoration for a full dental arch.
  • Quick restoration. Patients can experience immediate function after the implants are loaded.
  • Shorter recovery and treatment times.

With implant-supported dentures in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, you can enjoy a cheaper, longer lasting prosthetic. To make a change in your smile, contact our office at 215-331-1330. Speak with our dental professionals to learn more about our All-on-4 and other restorative treatments. Find how American Dental Associates can help you achieve a fuller, better smile.